Package com.avoka.fc.core.job
Provides Quartz job implementation classes.
Class Summary Class Description AbstractJob Provides an abstract Quartz Job class.BaseJob Provides an abstract stateful Quartz Job class for Job classes to extend.DataKeystoreRolloverJob Executes the submission data purge job.DeliveryEscalationJob Reminds client administrators of unacknowledged submissions.EmailDeliveryReminderJob Resends reminders for unacknowledged submissions.EmailQueueJob Sends emails in the email queueHttpInvokerJob Provides a HTTP URI invocation job to send HTTP events to applications without Quartz scheduling.JobControllerJob Provides a Quartz Job for processing Collaboration Jobs.JobStatusLifecycleListener Provides an Cayenne Lifecycle listener that logs status history entries when job or job step statuses change.PaymentReminderJob Resends reminders for unacknowledged submissions.ResolveOutstandingPaymentsJob Provides a job to resolve any outstanding payments.ScheduledServiceJob Provides a Job class to invoke Scheduled ServicesSecurityPolicyManagerJob A job that removes expired security privileges.SubmissionEmailVerificationReminderJob Provides a job triggering email verification after submission.SystemHealthJob A job that creates system health entries and publishes them to Amazon Redshift.SystemMonitoringJob A job that monitors critical system functions and sends email to the alert groupGroup.RECEIVE_SYSTEM_ALERTS
.TemplateVersionDeploymentJob Provides a job that processes TemplateVersionDeployment entries, changing the current version of specified form templates.TransactionHistoryPublisherJob Publishes transaction history data.TransactionLicensingJob Publishes transaction audit data.TransactionProcessingJob A job that calls the default service of typeServiceDefinition.SERVICE_TYPE_TRANSACTION_PROCESSOR
VirusScanJob Performs a virus scan work.