class |
ApplicationClientProperty |
Provides an association between an application package and a client property.
class |
ApplicationConnection |
Provides an association between an application package and a service connection.
class |
ApplicationDelivery |
Provides an association between an application package and a delivery channel.
class |
ApplicationForm |
Provides an entity describing a relationship between an application package and a form.
class |
ApplicationPackage |
Provides an entity containing information about applications (sets of related services and forms belonging to the same organization).
class |
ApplicationService |
Provides an association between an application package and a service definition.
class |
Attachment |
Provides an attachment entity used to model supporting documentation for a submission.
class |
AuditLog |
Provides an audit log entity used to track changes made to sensitive data.
class |
AuthenticationProvider |
Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration entity.
class |
AuthProviderParameter |
Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration Parameter entity.
class |
Category |
Provides a category for form classification.
class |
Client |
Provides a client (or organization) entity.
class |
ClientKeystore |
Provides the ClientKeystore entity.
class |
ClientMetadataValue |
Provides a metadata value associated with a client.
class |
ClientPortal |
Provides an association between an organization and a portal.
class |
ClientProperty |
Provides a property value associated with a specific client.
class |
ClientReconciliationFile |
Provides an entity that holds payment reconciliation files received from payment gateway providers.
class |
ClientRefData |
The ClientRefData entity.
class |
ClientRefDataData |
ClientRefDataData entity child entity of the ClientRefData that holds the clob value.
class |
ClientUser |
Provides an entity defining a client user.
class |
ComposerImportAction |
Provides a Composer package import summary action.
class |
ComposerPackageData |
Provides an entity storing file contents associated with a composer package queue item.
class |
ComposerPackageQueue |
Provides an entity describing a form package created by SmartForm Composer
class |
DbVersionUpdate |
Provides an entity describing an automated update operation on the SmartForm Manager database.
class |
DeliveryDetails |
Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.
class |
DeploymentProperty |
Provides an entity holding a deployment property.
class |
DocumentType |
Provides a document type entity on which attachments are based.
class |
EmailQueue |
Provides an email queue entry that can be queued and automatically retried.
class |
EmailQueueData |
Provides an email queue compressed body data entity.
class |
ErrorLog |
Provides an error log entry, including detailed information such as the stack trace.
class |
ErrorLogData |
Provides an entity to encapsulate sensitive submission XML data related to an error log entry.
class |
EventLog |
Provides an event log entry with a severity indicator and a message.
class |
FileUpload |
Provides an entity containing information about a file uploaded to SmartForm Manager.
class |
FileUploadData |
Provides an entity storing the file contents of a file upload.
class |
Folder |
Provides a folder entity used in Maestro to group form designs.
class |
Form |
Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.
class |
FormCategory |
Provides an association between a form version and a category.
class |
FormDesign |
Provides a form design entity used in Maestro.
class |
FormDesignVersion |
Provides a version entity for form designs used in Maestro.
class |
FormDesignVersionInclude |
Provides a join between a form design version and a library include used in Maestro.
class |
FormDesignVersionProperty |
Provides a version property value entity for form design versions used in Maestro.
class |
FormFunction |
Provides an form function entity.
class |
FormGroup |
Provides an entity defining a form group.
class |
FormPortal |
Provides an association between a form and a portal.
class |
FormReceiptSequence |
Provides a sequence used in receipt number generation.
class |
GroovyServiceLog |
Provides a Groovy Service invocation logging entity.
class |
GroovyServiceLogData |
Provides a Groovy Service Logging data entity.
class |
Group |
Provides a group entity that users can belong to.
class |
GroupAgentLock |
The Class GroupAgentLock.
class |
ImportAction |
Provides an entity describing an archive import action.
class |
ImportActionData |
Provides an entity containing file data for an archive import action.
class |
ImportActionDetail |
Provides an entity containing a detail message about an archive import action.
class |
Job |
Provides a Collaboration Job entity.
class |
JobAction |
Provides a transaction job action entity.
class |
JobComment |
Provides a job comment entity.
class |
JobEventLog |
Provides a transaction job event entity.
class |
JobGroup |
The JobGroup is a link table between the Job and the Group.
class |
JobHistory |
Provides a job history audit entity class.
class |
JobProperty |
Provides a property (name/value pair) entity for a job.
class |
JobStatusHistory |
Provides a history record of a job or job step status change.
class |
JobStep |
Provides a Collaboration Job Step entity.
class |
Library |
Provides a resource library entity used in Maestro.
class |
LibraryResource |
Provides a resource entity contained in Maestro libraries.
class |
LibraryResourceData |
Provides a library resource entity containing binary or text resource data used in Maestro.
class |
LibraryResourceHistory |
Provides a form design library resource history item.
class |
LibraryShare |
class |
MetadataListValue |
Provides a valid value of a metadata tag of type list or list hierarchy.
class |
MetadataTag |
Provides an entity defining a metadata tag.
class |
Notification |
Provides a notification message that is displayed to the users of a specific portal.
class |
PaymentItem |
Provides an individual line item that is part of a payment made for a submission.
class |
PaymentLog |
Provides a record for a payment made using the SmartForm Manager payment module.
class |
Permission |
Provides an entity representing the privilege to access restricted content.
class |
Portal |
Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.
class |
PortalPage |
Provides a named portal page.
class |
PortalPageHistory |
Provides a page history for the portal pages.
class |
PortalProperty |
Provides a typed property for a portal.
class |
PortalResource |
Provides a portal resource, such as an image.
class |
PortalResourceHistory |
Provides a resource history for the portal resources.
class |
PortalUser |
Provides an association between a user account and a portal.
class |
PrefillParamXpathMap |
Provides an entity request parameter prefill to form data model XML XPath map.
class |
ProcessingStatus |
Provides an entity encapsulating a submission status set by the client.
class |
Project |
Provides a project entity containing folders and form designs used in Maestro.
class |
ProjectFormTag |
Provides an entity describing a tag of a project or form design version used in Maestro.
class |
ProjectFormTagData |
Provides an entity containing data associated with a tag in Maestro.
class |
ProjectInclude |
Provides a join between a project and a library include in Maestro.
class |
PromotionLog |
Provides a record of a form being promoted to a certain status, such as "Ready For Production".
class |
PropertyPrefillMap |
Provides a property prefill mapping from a property (described by name and scope) to an XPath in a schema seed.
class |
PropertyType |
Provides a property type that can be assigned concrete values depending on its scope (client, form, user) and data type.
class |
ReleaseVersion |
Provides a release version used in Maestro.
class |
RequestLog |
Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.
class |
RequiredAttachment |
Provides an entity representing a SmartForm Manager managed attachment that is presented to the user after submission.
class |
Role |
Provides a named collection of access privileges.
class |
RolePermission |
Provides an association between a role and a permission.
class |
ScheduledJobHistory |
Provides a ScheduledJobHistory entity.
class |
SchemaExtractMap |
Provides a data extract mapping, defining elements that are to be extracted from the submitted XML data and stored in the SmartForm Manager database.
class |
SchemaSeed |
Provides an entity containing a blank seed file for a form, as well as configuration such as prefill mappings.
class |
SecurityManager |
Provides an Security Manager configuration entity.
class |
SecurityManagerLog |
Provides an Security Manager Logging entity.
class |
SecurityManagerLogData |
Provides an Security Manager Logging Data entity.
class |
SecurityManagerParameter |
Provides an Security Manager Parameter entity.
class |
ServerHealthStatusMetric |
The Class ServerHealthStatusMetric.
class |
ServerNode |
A persistent class mapped as "ServerNode" Cayenne entity.
class |
ServiceConnection |
Provides an entity describing connection details to an external service.
class |
ServiceDefinition |
Provides an entity describing a service definition.
class |
ServiceParameter |
Provides a typed parameter used to configure a service.
class |
ServiceParameterHistory |
The Class ServiceParameterHistory.
class |
Submission |
Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.
class |
SubmissionAsyncMsg |
Provides an submission asynchronous message entity.
class |
SubmissionAsyncMsgBody |
Provides an submission asynchronous message body entity.
class |
SubmissionAttribute |
Provides a submission attribute entity for storing large text attribute values (2000) characters associated
with a submission record.
class |
SubmissionComment |
Provides a submission comments entity.
class |
SubmissionData |
Provides an entity storing file contents associated with a submission.
class |
SubmissionDeliveryCheckpoint |
Provides an submission delivery process checkpoint entity.
class |
SubmissionDeliveryFunc |
Provides an submission delivery function entity.
class |
SubmissionExtractData |
class |
SubmissionExtractJson |
class |
SubmissionExtractSearch |
Provides a submission data extract search item hash value.
class |
SubmissionGroup |
Provides an submission group entity.
class |
SubmissionHistory |
Provides a record of a particular version of a submission.
class |
SubmissionHistoryData |
Provides an entity storing the file contents of a submission history entry.
class |
SubmissionMilestone |
Provides an entity recording submission milestones.
class |
SubmissionProperty |
Provides the entity class to store submission properties.
class |
SubmissionPropertySearch |
Provides a submission property search item hash value.
class |
SubmissionServiceLog |
Provides an entity describing a service used by a submission.
class |
SubmissionValidationError |
Provides a submission validation error entity.
class |
SystemHealth |
Provides an entity encapsulating a number of metrics describing system load and health.
class |
TemplateVersion |
Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.
class |
TemplateVersionData |
Provides an entity storing the file contents of a template version.
class |
TemplateVersionDeployment |
Provides an entity that records a template version change (either having occurred in the past or scheduled for the future).
class |
TPac |
Provides an entity modelling TPac packages.
class |
TPacData |
Provides an entity containing the binary package data for a TPac package.
class |
TransactionHistory |
Provides an entity containing lightweight historic data about a transaction.
class |
TransactionLookup |
Provides a Transaction Lookup entity.
class |
UserAccount |
Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager.
class |
UserAuthEvent |
Provides a user authentication event entity.
class |
UserGroup |
Provides an association between a user account and a group.
class |
UserPortalPref |
Provides a User Portal Preferences class.
class |
UserProfile |
Provides a user profile containing a set of user properties and their values (e.g.
class |
UserProperty |
Provides a property value associated with a specific user.
class |
UserRole |
Provides an association between a user and a role.
class |
VersionAttachment |
Provides the definition of a required attachment associated with a form template version.
class |
VersionMetadataValue |
Provides a metadata value associated with a form template version.
class |
VersionPropertyValue |
Provides a property value associated with a form template version.
class |
XmlInputMap |
Provides an mapping from an XML prefill file into a schema seed.