Class Contract

  • public class Contract
    extends Object

    Provides design by contract programming validation functions.

    • Method Detail

      • isTrue

        public static void isTrue​(boolean value,
                                  String message)
        Ensure the specified condition value is true, or throw an IllegalArgumentExcpetion if false.
        value - the conditional value to test
        message - the IllegalArgumentException message if the conditional value is false
      • notNull

        public static void notNull​(Object paramValue,
                                   String paramName)
        Validate specified parameter is not null, throw a IllegalArgumentException if null.
        paramValue - the parameter value to verify not null
        paramName - the parameter name
      • notBlank

        public static void notBlank​(String paramValue,
                                    String paramName)
        Validate specified parameter is not null, or blank throw a IllegalArgumentException if null or blank.
        paramValue - the parameter value to verify not null, or blank
        paramName - the parameter name