AbstractDao |
Provides an abstract Data Access Object (DAO) for entity DAO classes to extend.
ApplicationFormDao |
Provides a DAO for the ApplicationForm entity.
ApplicationPackageDao |
Provides a DAO for the ApplicationPackage entity.
ApplicationServiceDao |
Provides a DAO for the ApplicationService entity.
AttachmentDao |
Provides a DAO for the Attachment entity.
AuditLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the AuditLog entity.
AuthenticationProviderDao |
Provides a Security Authentication Provider Data Access Object (DAO) class.
CategoryDao |
ClientDao |
Provides a DAO for the Client entity.
ClientMetadataValueDao |
Provides a DAO for the ClientMetadataValue entity.
ClientPortalDao |
Provides a DAO for the ClientPortal entity.
ClientPropertyDao |
Provides a DAO for the ClientProperty entity.
ClientReconciliationFileDao |
Provides a DAO for the Client Reconciliation File entity.
ClientRefDataDao |
Provides a Dao for the ClientRefData entity.
ComposerImportActionDao |
Provides a ComposerImportAction Data Access Object.
ComposerPackageQueueDao |
Provides a DAO for the ComposerPackageQueue entity.
DataRetentionInfoDao |
Provides a Data Retention Info DAO.
DataRetentionInfoDao.DataInfo |
Provides a Data Retention Info class.
DataRetentionInfoDao.JobStatusGroupInfo |
Provides a job status aggregation group info reporting class
DataRetentionInfoDao.SubStatusGroupInfo |
Provides a submission status aggregation group info reporting class
DataRetentionInfoDao.TableSize |
Provides a Table Size class.
DbVersionUpdateDao |
Provides a DAO for the DbVersionUpdate entity.
DeliveryDetailsDao |
Provides a DAO for the DeliveryDetails entity.
DeploymentPropertyDao |
Provides a DAO for the DeploymentProperty entity.
DocumentTypeDao |
Provides a DAO for the DocumentType entity.
EmailQueueDao |
Provides a DAO for the EmailQueue entity.
ErrorLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the ErrorLog entity.
EventLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the EventLog entity.
FileUploadDao |
Provides a DAO for the FileUpload entity.
FolderDao |
Provides a DAO for the Folder entity.
FormDao |
Provides a DAO for the Form entity.
FormDesignDao |
FormDesignVersionDao |
FormDesignVersionPropertyDao |
FormPortalDao |
FormReceiptSequenceDao |
Provides a DAO for the FormReceiptSequence entity.
GroovyServiceLogDao |
Provides a Groovy Service Log DAO class.
GroupAgentLockDao |
The Class ServerHealthStatusMetricsDao.
GroupDao |
Provides a DAO for the Group entity.
ImportActionDao |
Provides an ImportAction Data Access Object.
JobActionDao |
Provides a Collaboration Job Action DAO class.
JobDao |
Provides a DAO for the Collaboration Job entity.
JobEventLogDao |
JobPropertyDao |
JobStatusHistoryDao |
Provides a DAO for the Collaboration Job Status History entity.
JobStepDao |
Provides a DAO for the JobStep entity.
LibraryDao |
Provides a DAO for the Library entity.
LibraryResourceDao |
Provides a Library Resource Data Access Object class.
LibraryResourceHistoryDao |
Provides a Library Resource History Data Access Object class.
MetadataListValueDao |
Provides a DAO for the MetadataListValue entity.
MetadataTagDao |
Provides a DAO for the MetadataTag entity.
NotificationDao |
Provides a DAO for the Notification entity.
OfflineClientSystemLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the OfflineClientSystemLog entity.
OfflineSyncCallDao |
Provides an OfflineSyncCall entity DAO.
OfflineSyncLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the OfflineSyncLog entity.
PaymentLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the PaymentLog entity.
PermissionDao |
Provides a DAO for the Permission entity.
PortalDao |
Provides a DAO for the Portal entity.
PortalPageDao |
Provides a DAO for the PortalPage entity.
PortalPageHistoryDao |
Provides a DAO for the PortalPageHistory entity.
PortalPropertyDao |
Provides a DAO for the PortalProperty entity.
PortalResourceDao |
Provides a DAO for the PortalResource entity.
PortalResourceHistoryDao |
Provides a DAO for the PortalResourceHistory entity.
PrefillParamXpathMapDao |
Provides a DAO for the PrefillParamXpathMap entity.
ProcessingStatusDao |
Provides a DAO for the ProcessingStatus entity.
ProjectDao |
Provides a DAO for the Project entity.
ProjectFormTagDao |
PromotionDao |
Provides a DAO for the PromotionLog entity.
PropertyPrefillMapDao |
Provides a DAO for the PropertyPrefillMap entity.
PropertyTypeDao |
Provides a DAO for the PropertyType entity.
PropertyValueDao |
Provides property value lookup support Data Access Object (DAO).
ReleaseVersionDao |
RequestLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the RequestLog entity.
RequiredAttachmentDao |
Provides a DAO for the RequiredAttachmen entity.
RoleDao |
Provides a DAO for the Role entity.
RolePermissionDao |
Provides a DAO for the RolePermission entity.
ScheduledJobHistoryDao |
Provides a Scheduled Job History DAO class.
SchemaExtractMapDao |
Provides a SchemaExtractMap DAO class.
SchemaSeedDao |
Provides a DAO for the SchemaSeed entity.
SecurityManagerDao |
Provides a DAO for the SecurityManager entity.
SecurityManagerLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the SecurityManagerLog entity.
ServerHealthStatusMetricDao |
The Class ServerHealthStatusMetricsDao.
ServerNodeDao |
Provides a DAO for the ServerNode entity.
ServerNodeDao.ServerNodeType |
The server node type enum
ServiceConnectionDao |
Provides a DAO for the ServiceConnection entity.
ServiceDefinitionDao |
Provides a DAO for the ServiceDefinition entity.
ServiceParameterDao |
Provides a ServiceParameter DAO class.
ServiceParameterHistoryDao |
Provides a DAO for the ServiceParameterHistory entity.
SubmissionAsyncMsgDao |
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionAsyncMsg entity.
SubmissionDao |
Provides a DAO for the Submission entity.
SubmissionDataDao |
Provides a Submission Data DAO to provide safe read only access to submission data.
SubmissionDeliveryCheckpointDao |
SubmissionDeliveryFuncDao |
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionDeliveryFunc entities.
SubmissionExtractDataDao |
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionExtractData.
SubmissionHistoryDao |
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionHistory entity.
SubmissionMilestoneDao |
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionMilestone entity.
SubmissionPropertyDao |
Provides a Dao for the SubmissionProperty entity.
SubmissionServiceDao |
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionServiceLog entity.
SystemHealthDao |
Provides a DAO for the SystemHealth entity.
SystemInfoDao |
Provides a DAO for the Client entity.
SystemInfoDao.TIInstance |
Provides a TIInstance enumeration.
TemplateVersionDao |
Provides a DAO for the TemplateVersion entity.
TemplateVersionDataDao |
Provides a DAO for the TemplateVersionData entity.
TemplateVersionDeploymentDao |
Provides a DAO for the TemplateVersionDeployment entity.
TPacDao |
Provides a DAO for the TPac entity.
TransactionHistoryDao |
Provides a DAO for the TransactionHistory entity.
TransactionHistoryDao.BrowserCount |
Provides a Browser count summary class.
TransactionHistoryDao.DeviceCount |
Provides a device count summary class.
TransactionHistoryDao.FormCodeName |
Form Code and Name value object class
TransactionHistoryDao.OsCount |
Provides a Operating System count summary class.
TransactionLookupDao |
Provides a DAO for the TransactionLookup entity.
UserAccountDao |
Provides a DAO for the UserAccount entity.
UserAuthEventDao |
Provides a UserAuthEvent Data Access Object (DAO).
UserGroupDao |
Provides a DAO for the UserGroup entity.
UserPortalPrefDao |
Provides a User Portal Preferences Data Access Object (DAO).
UserProfileDao |
Provides a DAO for the UserProfile entity.
UserPropertyDao |
Provides a DAO for the UserProperty entity.
UserRoleDao |
Provides a DAO for the UserRole entity.
VersionAttachmentDao |
Provides a template VersionAttachment data access object.
VersionMetadataValueDao |
Provides a DAO for the VersionMetadataValue entity.
VersionPropertyValueDao |
Provides a DAO for the VersionMetadataValue entity.
WorkspaceDao.JobCriteria |
Job search criteria.
WorkspaceDao.SubmissionCriteria |
Submission search criteria.
XmlInputMapDao |
Provides a DAO for the XmlInputMap entity.