Class Job

  • public class Job
    extends Object
    Provide a Job value object class.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Job

        public Job()
      • Job

        public Job​(com.avoka.fc.core.entity.Job job)
        Create a Job value object with the given job entity parameter.
        job - the job entity parameter (required)
      • Job

        public Job​(Map fields)
        Create a unit testing Job value object with the given fields.
        fields - the job entity fields (required)
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class Object
        a string representation of the object.
      • getId

        public Long getId()
        The job record id (PK).
      • getName

        public String getName()
        The job name.
      • getOrgId

        public Long getOrgId()
        The organization id (PK).
      • getClientCode

        public String getClientCode()
        The organization client code.
      • getControllerServiceId

        public Long getControllerServiceId()
        The job controller service id.
      • getJobKey

        public String getJobKey()
        The job key.
      • getReferenceNumber

        public String getReferenceNumber()
        The job reference number.
      • getStatus

        public String getStatus()
        The job status.
      • getCurrentJobStepId

        public Long getCurrentJobStepId()
        The current job step id (PK).
      • getTimeCompletionScheduled

        public Date getTimeCompletionScheduled()
        The time the job is scheduled for completion.
      • getTimeCreated

        public Date getTimeCreated()
        The time the job was created.
      • getTimeFinished

        public Date getTimeFinished()
        The time the job was finished.
      • getTimeLastProcessed

        public Date getTimeLastProcessed()
        The time the job was last processed.
      • getTimePurgeScheduled

        public Date getTimePurgeScheduled()
        The time the job is scheduled to be purged.
      • getTxnIdList

        public List<Long> getTxnIdList()
        The list of job transaction ids.
      • getJobSteps

        public List<JobStep> getJobSteps()
        The list of job steps.
      • getCommentList

        public List<Comment> getCommentList()
        The job comment list.
      • getPropertyMap

        public Map<String,​String> getPropertyMap()
        The job property map.