Class PaymentLog

  • public class PaymentLog
    extends Object
    Provide a Payment Log value object class.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String PAYMENT_COMPLETED
        Indicates that the payment has been completed successfully
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PAYMENT_ERROR
        Indicates that an error has occurred during payment
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PAYMENT_CANCELLED
        Indicates that the payment was cancelled while in the payment gateway
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PAYMENT_PENDING
        Indicates that the payment is pending a result from the payment gateway
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • id

        public final Long id
        The payment log id (PK).
      • antiFraudCode

        public final String antiFraudCode
        The anti fraud code.
      • antiFraudResponse

        public final String antiFraudResponse
        The ant fraud response.
      • clientCode

        public final String clientCode
        The organization code.
      • doAmount

        public final Integer doAmount
        The digital order amount.
      • doMerchant

        public final String doMerchant
        The digital order merchant.
      • doMerchTxnRef

        public final String doMerchTxnRef
        The digital order merchant txn ref.
      • doTimestamp

        public final Date doTimestamp
        The digital order timestamp.
      • doVersion

        public final String doVersion
        The digital order version.
      • drAcqResponseCode

        public final String drAcqResponseCode
        The digital response response code.
      • drAmount

        public final Integer drAmount
        The digital response amount.
      • drBatchNo

        public final Integer drBatchNo
        The digital response batch number.
      • drCustomParam1

        public final String drCustomParam1
        The digital response custom param 1.
      • drCustomParam2

        public final String drCustomParam2
        The digital response custom param 2.
      • drCustomParam3

        public final String drCustomParam3
        The digital response custom param 3.
      • drCustomParam4

        public final String drCustomParam4
        The digital response custom param 4.
      • drCustomParam5

        public final String drCustomParam5
        The digital response custom param 5.
      • drMerchTxnRef

        public final String drMerchTxnRef
        The digital response merch txn ref.
      • drMessage

        public final String drMessage
        The digital response message.
      • drReceiptNo

        public final String drReceiptNo
        The digital response receipt number.
      • drTaxAmount

        public final Integer drTaxAmount
        The digital response tax amount.
      • drTimestamp

        public final Date drTimestamp
        The digital response timestamp.
      • drTransactionNo

        public final Long drTransactionNo
        The digital response transaction no.
      • drTxnResponseCode

        public final String drTxnResponseCode
        The digital response txn response code.
      • drTxnResponseMsg

        public final String drTxnResponseMsg
        The digital response txn response message.
      • orgId

        public final Long orgId
        The organization id (PK).
      • orgName

        public final String orgName
        The organization name.
      • paymentServiceCode

        public final String paymentServiceCode
        The payment service code.
      • paymentLogKey

        public final String paymentLogKey
        The payment log key.
      • paymentStatus

        public final String paymentStatus
        The payment status.
      • txnId

        public final Long txnId
        The transaction id.
      • userIpAddress

        public final String userIpAddress
        The user ip address.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PaymentLog

        public PaymentLog​(com.avoka.fc.core.entity.PaymentLog paymentLog)
        Create a PaymentLog value object with the given parameters.
        paymentLog -
      • PaymentLog

        public PaymentLog​(Map fields)
        Create a unit testing PaymentLog value object with the given fields.
        fields - the payment log entity fields (required)
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class Object
        a string representation of the object.