Class JobStep

  • public class JobStep
    extends Object
    Provide a Job Step value object class.
    • Field Detail

      • id

        public final Long id
        The job step record (PK).
      • name

        public final String name
        The job step name.
      • type

        public final String type
        The job step type.
      • status

        public final String status
        The job step status.
      • currentJobActionId

        public final Long currentJobActionId
        The current job action id (PK).
      • expiryServiceId

        public final Long expiryServiceId
        The job step expiry service id (PK).
      • isAllFormsEditable

        public final boolean isAllFormsEditable
        The all forms editable option.
      • isDynamicPreConditions

        public final boolean isDynamicPreConditions
        The dynamic pre-conditions option.
      • isShareExtractData

        public final boolean isShareExtractData
        The share form data extracts between step forms option.
      • isShareFormData

        public final boolean isShareFormData
        The share form XML data between step forms option.
      • isShowPreviousForms

        public final boolean isShowPreviousForms
        The show previous step forms option.
      • nextStepName

        public final String nextStepName
        The next job step name.
      • timeCreated

        public final Date timeCreated
        The time the job step was created.
      • timeCompletionScheduled

        public final Date timeCompletionScheduled
        The time the job step is scheduled to be completed.
      • timeFinished

        public final Date timeFinished
        The time the job step was finished.
      • jobActions

        public List<JobAction> jobActions
        The job step actions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JobStep

        public JobStep​(com.avoka.fc.core.entity.JobStep jobStep)
        Create a Job Step value object with the given job step entity parameter.
        jobStep - the job step entity parameter (required)
      • JobStep

        public JobStep​(Map fields)
        Create a unit testing JobStep value object with the given fields.
        fields - the submission entity fields (required)
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class Object
        a string representation of the object.