Class RedirectException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RedirectException
    extends com.avoka.fc.core.servlet.RedirectException

    Provides an redirect exception which can be used to redirect the user to another location.

    By convention if the redirect target URL is prefixed with '/' then the web applications context path will be prepended to the target URL. For example:

     '/form-expired.htm' -> '' 

    Note this URL context path pre-pending should be done by the calling code and will not be done by this class.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • RedirectException

        public RedirectException​(String target)
        Create a Redirect exception with the given target URL.

        By convention if the redirect target URL is prefixed with '/' then the web applications context path will be prepended to the target URL. For example:

         '/form-expired.htm' -> '' 

        Note this URL context path pre-pending should be done by the calling code and will not be done by this class.

        target - the redirect target URL