Class User

  • public class User
    extends Object
    Provide a User value object class.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String STATUS_LOCKED_TEMPORARILY
        The "Locked Temporarily" user status.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • id

        public final Long id
        The user id (PK).
      • loginName

        public final String loginName
        The user login name.
      • accountStatus

        public final String accountStatus
        The user account status [ Active | Inactive | Locked | Locked Temporarily | Pending | Rejected ].
      • email

        public final String email
        The user email address.
      • firstName

        public final String firstName
        The user first name (given name).
      • lastName

        public final String lastName
        The user last name (family name).
      • mobile

        public final String mobile
        The user mobile telephone number.
      • userKey

        public final String userKey
        The user GUID alternative key.
      • userType

        public final String userType
        The user type [ Local | LDAP | SSO ].
      • hasGlobalAccess

        public final boolean hasGlobalAccess
        The user has global client organization access.
      • failedLoginAttempts

        public final int failedLoginAttempts
        The number of failed login attempts.
      • createdTime

        public final Date createdTime
        The time the user was created.
      • lastAccessedTime

        public final Date lastAccessedTime
        The time the user last logged in.
      • lockoutEndTime

        public final Date lockoutEndTime
        The time a temporary lockout should end.
      • profileMap

        public final Map<String,​String> profileMap
        The user profile values map.
      • groupNames

        public final Set<String> groupNames
        The user group names.
      • orgNames

        public final Set<String> orgNames
        The user organization names.
      • roleNames

        public final Set<String> roleNames
        The user role names.
      • spaceNames

        public final Set<String> spaceNames
        The user form space names.
    • Constructor Detail

      • User

        public User​(com.avoka.fc.core.entity.UserAccount userAccount)
        Create a User value object with the given user account entity.
        userAccount - the user account entity (required)
      • User

        public User​(com.avoka.fc.core.entity.UserAccount userAccount,
                    Set<String> groupNames)
        Create a User value object with the given user account entity and group names.
        userAccount - the user account entity (required)
        groupNames - the user group names (required)
      • User

        public User​(Map fields)
        Create a unit testing User value object with the given fields.
        fields - the submission entity fields (required)
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class Object
        a string representation of the object.